Monday, April 25, 2005

Did You Just "Flip The Bird" At Me?

Second time around for this video. Thanks a bunch to Chad, A.K.A Ciavarro for helping put this video on my blog. Well I shouldn't say he help me, he pretty much did it all. Except, for the headache and a half for me, trying to get the stupid video off my camera.

Well sorry for the blogging delay, the weekend was really busy and fun filled. Friday night was the first annual "river party". When it gets warm a shit load of us go down on some private property beside the bow the river and party our asses off. But this time was a disaster, some idiot lit a grass fire and fire trucks came to the rescue. Then the cops showed up, the majority of the people that were there were underage. Sucks for them....we left as the cops were showing up. To get down to the river, you have to cross this sketchy "mason-built" bridge over a huge pond. Me, almost took a bath twice.

Saturday, Wes and I went to a cemetery to burn off the extra time we had before heading over to KC's. Stupid-ass me had this great idea of taking a flower from someone's grave...and I did so. You know what would be ridicoulsly mean but very amusing: if some cheap guy couln't even buy his girl friend flowers, but instead when to the cemetary and stole bouqeats of flowers.
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This is the flower I took, it was nice. Until it flew out the window.
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Anywho, my mom made contact with me. She e-mailed me, I am not going to go into detail. But, I think I am going to head home sometime soon. I can't keep mooching off Wes...I feel bad. Well have a good day and if your having good weather...enjoy!
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Oh yeah, yesterday morning I was sitting out on the porch and these two rabbits hop by. Pretty exciting, but what more exciting is what they are going to be doing later!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Wes' Place 4 A Week Or 2

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This is Leroy, he is fat.

So yesterday, my mom kicked me out of the house. I was kind of expecting it because we were fighting so often it was ridiculous! But for now, my homestead is at Wes' house. I'm not sure what is happening next but most likely I'll end up back home. I think my mom and I just need a break from eachother.

WE are so much alike. That's the problem, we argue verbally all the time. Sometimes we agrue physically. Hopefully it all works out for the best. If I am not accepted back at home, I'll hitchhike to hollywood and become a moviestar! Yesss!

I wish...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Blog Edit...

Okay I am trying to change the look of my blog but it is taking awhile, I am sorry. I keep typing this into my template and pressing preview over and over. Well this is what I got so far...I don't like the top picture. Just ignore it. If there are any problems with the blog let me know. Also, if you have any ideas to what my blog should look like, please give some ideas! Well have a great and awesome day!

Edit: I changed the top picture to the x-rayed skully thingy. Thats way better than the one I had before. I think?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Cool, Clean, Fresh Water

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MMMMMMMMMM... tasty Lacy?

Monday, April 18, 2005

I R Make Fire

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Well sorry about the delay, I found my cmarea finally. Somehow it ended up in my luandry basket...who knows. Here's some pics from my bro's party. It was mostly family...but that's always good cause my uncles are hilarious. There are very few pictures I know, but here ya go!
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Once again....I CAN make a fire. Yessssss!
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I am debating weather or not to post my brother's picture. He's passed out lying in his puke. Just like I was last weekend. I have taught him well. Should I post his picture? It's pretty funny....

Today was the Hitman's big game. My cousin plays for the hitmen, I was gonna go but at the time I had a migrane that could crush a semi. Hense the fact at hockey games there are the annoying "puck-bunnies" screaming their little hearts out for the conceded, "top" players. I know the whole word that sums the majority of them is...CONCEDED. (it's probably spelled wrong, if you have a problem with that you can lick my balls) Anywho, it's a very nice evening here, not a cloud in the sky. Hope everyone is jealous....
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Okay, maybe just a little cloud at the bottom. Just pretend it's not there.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

new post time....i know

Sorry, yup haven't posted this weekend. My brother had a party and that about says it all... I guess. Fuck I lost my camera or some sithead took it. So if anyone has seen my camera let me know! Anywho if I do find my caamera I will post some good pictures and if not i'll post something cool otherwise. But for now...sleep. Have a good night!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Poor Kid

How many times can I remember slipping and fallin on the cement by the pool? LOTS OF TIMES! Can anyone join me with these memories?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Awesomest Post Ever

Well no, not really but I am going try. I kept thinking and thinking about what I could put up but nothing came to mind. I was playing with my cat, she has this toy with a metal dingy thingy that makes a ringy sound. The string was broken so I tied it to a really long elastic. We had this game of kitty cat tug-o'-war and the frickin metal ringy dingy hit me on the top of my thumb cap. Fuck. My thumb was paralyzed for a while, stupid me kept playing the kitty cat tug-o'-war. Once again, about ten minutes later, the frickin ringy dingy hit me on the top of my pinky finger nail. It's on fire, now that I am a gimp, my awesome post is taking forever to type out.

I bought the new Moby cd yesterday. It's wait awesome.

So, anywho. I once said on Jenny Good's blog comment dingy, "where does a calculator get it's brains from?". But really where does it get it's brains from. There are trillions of possible answers, questions, numbers, whatever. I'm no talking about about the dinky lil calculators...I'm talking the big scientific ones. With allt he graphing programs, equation solvers and what not. My only answer to the question(where does a calculator get it's brains from?) is, some nerd. Some guy had enough time on his hands to plug in all the possible answers into the calculator "main-frame". (or whatever...I'm not an expert). I would really like to meet this guy...every question I would ask him like, "where are you from?" would be a frickin math equation in his head and he would answer like, "C to the X root 12 times 982 squared". And I'll be like, "okay buddy.....english?" Enough with my rambling.

I am not satisfied with my "awesome post". It is not that awesome. It's Hmmmmm I think I am going to be a fortune teller. It's wouldn't be that just tell them what they want to hear and they'll keep coming back to you. That would be awesome. Yup....another rotton ass post. Have a great ringy dingy night!

Always wear shoes in a cow field!

I Um Damb

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I'm gonna post something good.....I don't know what yet but I am going's going to be a surprise. Latley my posts have been rotton ass, and I want them to be fresh another rotton ass post. Okay enough, good...wait AWESOME post on the way! The picture I made is dumb...I know.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Ambience of Stupidness

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Sorry I haven't posted since thursday or whenever. The pictures on the top are for you....
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It was a bad weekend. Friday I got a speeding ticket for fuck sakes. I was going 71 in a 50 zone. The fucker of a cop has this paint on his "invisable" car, that allows the light not to reflect. Asshole. Then even better I didn't have my licsence on yeah, I got another fucking ticket. $301.00 fucking dollars. Finished a mickey to myself in 10 minutes, then I drove home. Bad idea. I was seeing double lines...and I wasn't quite sure which ones were real. Luckily I live out on an acreage, so the traffic isn't that bad. I then get home and pass out. Only to wake up in the morning laying in my awful, smelly puke. I must have puked in my sleep cause in was dried down both sides of my cheeks. Sick ass.

Sunday was the day of dry heaving and hours of head aches. I am never going to drink again.....but I am not promising anything.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

hair was there, now nearly gone

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I got a hair cut today. Pretty exciting. He chopping quite a bit off the's a "sort-of punk rock mullet" now. It's awesome. Yeah that's it for today....i'm boring, I know.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Your Daily Dose Of Gross

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So yesterday I went to see my doctor. A few months ago I went for a blood test for mono and some other thing (I forget). I guess I was supossed to come in three days after that test instead of three months. Anywho they found a trace of Epstein-Barr virus. I know what your thinking, what the fuck is that? Right? It's like the start of mono, I don't have as much red blood cells as I should and succumb to illness faster than usual. Yes, I can say I am always fucking sick and tired. So today I went for another blood test.....I don't think I have much blood left. Jokes. I have been for so many god damn tests, they must have one of those huge Ocean Spray bottles full of my blood. Yup well there's my sick arm up there. You can't see it too well in the picture but the inside of my arm is purple and blue. Effin' bruised I tell ya. And as weak as a anorexic chick.
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Well during the day I thought I'd let Melodi (my dove) fly around my bedroom. (I can close the blinds) It was pretty awesome. I made this whole get up for her. Seed dish, water dish, fruit dish and bread dish....buffet for the bird. Well it was all fun and games until it was time for me to put her back in her cage when I notice there was shit everywhere. I'm not talking little poops here and there. I mean huge shits all over the sheets, dresser, floor and running down my blinds. I really don't feel like cleaning shit I am thinking about sleeping on the couch. It won't be that bad, it's better than rolling over in the night and feeling a slight smush on your face.

Monday, April 04, 2005

a world in a world?

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So yesterday I slept. What a surprise, duh. Last night I spent some quality time with my never ending weird wandering mind. I came up with this bright idea, it might be the next revolution. So we have our universe, right? Sun, planets and everything inbetween. Then we have the tiny molecules in every thing; nucleus, ribosomes, whatever. Now think deep. What if.... yes what if each tiny molecule was another universe. Humans, plants, fish, krispy kremes and all. Let me explain. The sun is the center of our universe, so the nucleus would be like the sun of a mini molecule universe found in a cheesey. Then....yes then in "their" little universe there is another mini mini molecule universe found in one of "their" cheeseys. OR.....yes or we could be a mini mini mini universe found in someone else's cheesey. This is the never ending cycle of universes I would like to call......The Theory Of Duplicate Universes. Are you following, or am I just a complete retard. Maybe I just shouldn't think.

Anywho. I fell down the stairs today. Okay you can laugh if you want. I wasn't hurt, it was one of those falls where your heels slips down the edge of a stair and you fall on your ass and slide down. Cause a vibrating scream, hense the fact your sliding down stairs. I should get one those escalator dingys build replacing the stairs. I will never fall again....knock on wood. Knowing me my shoelace will get stuck at the top and my legs will be grinded up in the grroves before I hit the RED stop button. So all I have to say is: stairs are very dangerous, remember the always think "steady feet, steady feet" while attempting to climb up or retreat down stairs.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

tired....very tired

Okay so, last night I went to the Motley Crue concert. Rad concert.... the best part was the strippers. There were these girls pole dancing during the whole thing...awesome. There was also so much pot smoking going down, I swear I got hig off the fumes. BONUS! That was a sleepless night....then tonight I decide to go partying make a long story short, I need to sleep for like a week. I am burnt out to the extreme.
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Some weird boardgame/drinking game some girls made.
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Supossed to be a firework. I pulled my camera at the last one.
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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Bowser Bay and Back

My family decided out of the blue that we were going to rent a motor home and drive to Vancouver Island. So......the next day we left at 7 am. The driving sucked balls but when we got to the cabin in Bowser was complete joy.
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My brother's portable DVD player fried after we bought some sort of "inverter" cord and put the positive and negitive prongs backwards.
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At the cabin.
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Lacy licking the ass of a clam.
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Raw oysters with hot sauce and lime is so good.
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At every hotel we stayed at we snuck Lacy in. I would put her in my back pack and very sneakily walk by the front desk and srint to the room.
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Friday, April 01, 2005


Hello....I am a bad blogger. I should have let whoever reads my blog know that I was leaving for a bit...but everything was so hectic. Packing, organizing and packing. But I am back now.....finally. I will post some pictures up when I get everything settled. See you later.