Monday, April 11, 2005

Ambience of Stupidness

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Sorry I haven't posted since thursday or whenever. The pictures on the top are for you....
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It was a bad weekend. Friday I got a speeding ticket for fuck sakes. I was going 71 in a 50 zone. The fucker of a cop has this paint on his "invisable" car, that allows the light not to reflect. Asshole. Then even better I didn't have my licsence on yeah, I got another fucking ticket. $301.00 fucking dollars. Finished a mickey to myself in 10 minutes, then I drove home. Bad idea. I was seeing double lines...and I wasn't quite sure which ones were real. Luckily I live out on an acreage, so the traffic isn't that bad. I then get home and pass out. Only to wake up in the morning laying in my awful, smelly puke. I must have puked in my sleep cause in was dried down both sides of my cheeks. Sick ass.

Sunday was the day of dry heaving and hours of head aches. I am never going to drink again.....but I am not promising anything.