Monday, April 25, 2005

Did You Just "Flip The Bird" At Me?

Second time around for this video. Thanks a bunch to Chad, A.K.A Ciavarro for helping put this video on my blog. Well I shouldn't say he help me, he pretty much did it all. Except, for the headache and a half for me, trying to get the stupid video off my camera.

Well sorry for the blogging delay, the weekend was really busy and fun filled. Friday night was the first annual "river party". When it gets warm a shit load of us go down on some private property beside the bow the river and party our asses off. But this time was a disaster, some idiot lit a grass fire and fire trucks came to the rescue. Then the cops showed up, the majority of the people that were there were underage. Sucks for them....we left as the cops were showing up. To get down to the river, you have to cross this sketchy "mason-built" bridge over a huge pond. Me, almost took a bath twice.

Saturday, Wes and I went to a cemetery to burn off the extra time we had before heading over to KC's. Stupid-ass me had this great idea of taking a flower from someone's grave...and I did so. You know what would be ridicoulsly mean but very amusing: if some cheap guy couln't even buy his girl friend flowers, but instead when to the cemetary and stole bouqeats of flowers.
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This is the flower I took, it was nice. Until it flew out the window.
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Anywho, my mom made contact with me. She e-mailed me, I am not going to go into detail. But, I think I am going to head home sometime soon. I can't keep mooching off Wes...I feel bad. Well have a good day and if your having good weather...enjoy!
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Oh yeah, yesterday morning I was sitting out on the porch and these two rabbits hop by. Pretty exciting, but what more exciting is what they are going to be doing later!