Sunday, September 03, 2006

About Death

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There is this feeling I get in the back of my throat and in the pitt of my stomach whenever I see a dead animal. I always wonder what kind of life they lived; were they happy? struggling? sad? You never can tell by just looking at their rotting body. There is nothing left; no sign of any life, no emotions, no sound. Dead.

What really happens when something dies? I mean it seems like they are still there, their spirit still in that body but no movement. It's like the body was just used as a vessel of life until the soul was no longer interested in it. Maybe I'm just talking straight bullshit.

I'd like to give a thanks to Boo. Thanks for bringing this bird on my deck. I tried to move it....I couldn't do it. I grabbed a shovel and attempted to scoop it up, but when doing so the bird head moved, almost like it was still alive. My body instantly froze up. So my second choice was grabbing a cardboard box and coverin the bird's body until someone can remove it for me. I actually feel really bad just leaving it there. Leaving it to be picked at by distugsting flies. I'm sorry, when I get someone to move it I'll bury him somewhere far away. And make sure Boo doesn't dig it up.
