Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sushi...Without the Sushi

So my uncle came down yesterday and tonight my family and I went out for sushi. I felt like such a retard, ordering items without fish. Hence the fact I am a vegetarian. My uncle kept passing around fish and chicken and saying, "dead fish anyone? how bout some dead chicken? too bad these hundren salmon eggs were unable to hatch" and all these other crude comments. It WAS funny... until I got pissed off. My brother and I then left. To get ou of the both you have to walk around everyone on the booth seat. My brother purposely or accidentally(who knows) shoved my uncle while he was taking a drink of beer and it splashed everywhere. I was emotionally satisfied. Well that's about it. Other than 6 more days until Matt Good's "In A Coma" comes out. I am SO god damn excited.

My line of the day...(I made this one up too!)...okay here we go..."If I had hair like you, it would look exactly like yours!"

I know, it's dumb, but I like it.