Thursday, May 26, 2005

who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

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So today I woke up, as usual. Yep. Sludged upstairs, only to see a group of my brothers friends around the table. They were doing some last minute homework or something...who knows? Anywho...they were making fun of my spongebob get up. I think it's totally awesome. To them it was, "little girls wear spongebob, how old are you? Aren't you too old for spongebob?" I replied with, "shut up". Stupid kids, we are only young once, might as well act and look young as long as you can. Before you know it, you'll have grey hairs, balding, and a bunch of kids of your own running around. Duh? I am going to keep my youth as long as I can still pull it off. I can see it now......I am going to be 40, unmarried, bar-hopping everynight dressed like a 20 year old. Oh yeah....that's right, my life goal. To be a cougar....

P.S I just woke up in the can tell by my friggen hair. It looks like that every morning, your lucky it wasn't a mohawk this morning. I have shorter hair on te top o my head and usually when I wake stands up straight in the air.