Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Chemistry Can Lick My Balls

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Not that I have balls, but if I did. Chemistry can defiantly lick them. This has to be the most pointless subject, well it is to me. Frickin' elements and shit, I hate it.......once again chemistry can lick my (imaginary)balls.

It frickin' snowed today. I hate snow...I mean I love it in January or whatever, but it's March. The stupid tulips should be coming up. (okay...sorry tulips, you guys are awesome) Wow! This should just be my anger post, I had a shitty day.

Do you ever get the feeling after you ate WAY to much and youjust feel like shit? Well tonight I got to the point of throwing up. I picked up some Vietnamese food, not just some alot. I ate this soup, full of noodles. About 15 minutes later...I barfed.