Saturday, February 19, 2005

Happy Easter Every One!

Have you ever noticed around easter time Cadbury brings out this "life size" chocolate eggs that are filled with some kind of sugar cream made to look like a raw egg? Think of that. Millions of people go out of their way to but these eggs that are made to seem like they are sucking a chicken embryo right out of the shell. Disgusting. Or even the little colored eggs with brown spots, they are a replica of robin eggs. People eat these chocolate eggs that are almost exactly the same as bird eggs. It makes me sick.

And we all know of the "easter bunny" right? What the hell does the easter bunny have to do with bird eggs? I would like someone to give me a logical explaination for this? It almost an abomination to culture. To my understanding I thought easter was a time where Ukrainians, which also happens to be my heritage, take real eggs a paint designs, symbols and meaningful words on the egg. After the eggs have dried completly inside and out they are givin in baskets, along with meats, bread, cream, cheese to family, friends and neighbors. Now easter has completly "americanized" to the white easter bunny who clucks and magically lays eggs?