Saturday, February 19, 2005

first blog

This is my first blog, still unsure of what is really going on with this whole contraption of a website. I have seen other people's "blogs" and they are quite amazing, but unfortunatly I might be mentally and physically able to meet the lowest standards.

Have you ever had those night when you don't want to go out and you end up staying home? Well this has been one of those endless friday nights where minutes seem like hours, and it seems quite hard to sleep. That was off topic but it defiantly ties in with my first blog. can't sleep=make a blog. I know in a few weeks time this era of "blogging" in my life will end and it will just be some pointless, time consuming page that no one will ever read, not that matters anyways. Just the thought of me putting effort into writing this calibration of words put into meaningless sentences....for what really? I don't know, maybe for myself, maybe for someone's enjoyment, maybe I am phsycholically challenged in the sense that I am using this blog as a diary for my mental notes. who knows what this blog is for. It's only my first one anyways.